Beginners 101

BeauGen Breast Cushions

BeauGen Breast Cushions

Why use BeauGen cushions? One word: comfort It’s 2023 and I’ve only used my cushions a hand full of times since 2019. Back when I was a new pumper for...

BeauGen Breast Cushions

Why use BeauGen cushions? One word: comfort It’s 2023 and I’ve only used my cushions a hand full of times since 2019. Back when I was a new pumper for...

Open System vs Closed System

Open System vs Closed System

You may have heard the terms open pump system & closed pump system, but what does it all mean?Simply put, an open system does not have a barrier of any...

Open System vs Closed System

You may have heard the terms open pump system & closed pump system, but what does it all mean?Simply put, an open system does not have a barrier of any...

Mobile Pumping & The First 12WPP

Mobile Pumping & The First 12WPP

Technology is constantly advancing to make our lives as breastfeeding mamas more convenient. There’s no doubt about it, the concept of these pumps and cups are ideal for anyone not...

Mobile Pumping & The First 12WPP

Technology is constantly advancing to make our lives as breastfeeding mamas more convenient. There’s no doubt about it, the concept of these pumps and cups are ideal for anyone not...