Sleeping with Passive Collector Chit-Chat

I sleep with a passive breast milk collector through the night. Why? To catch all of that leaking. If you are waking up each morning wet and sticky from leaking breastmilk, you may also want to consider sleeping with a passive collector in your bra. 

Passive Collectors

There are several passive collectors on the market today. The most popular ones include: 

Personally, I prefer the Boon TROVE to the others. I find it to be more comfortable and effective than the other passive collectors. 

Important Reminder:

The purpose of sleeping with a passive collector is not to encourage milk production. Milk collected during the night may not fall in the appropriate time windows for storage anyway. I wouldn’t recommend feeding this milk to your baby. 

HOWEVER, it can be saved for milk baths! If you don’t want to waste the milk and want something soothing for baby’s skin, this is a great option.  


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