Ceres Chill Demigoddess Chit-Chat

I've been a big fan of the OG Ceres Chiller for a long time! It's one of my go-to pumping tools. BUT -- this isn't the only product Ceres Chill has to offer. Let's talk about the Ceres Chill Demigoddess!


What's the difference?


Like the original Ceres Chiller, the Demigoddess is designed with two compartments to keep your breastmilk cold when you are pumping on the go. This "mini-chiller" is essentially just a smaller version of its predecessor. It can hold 6 -16 ounces of breastmilk and is designed to keep milk cold for up to 12 hours. 


Does it work?


Alright, the most important question...does the Ceres Chill Demigoddess actually work?! I decided to be a scientist for a day and conduct my own in-home experiment. (To see the full details of this experiment, check out the video above.) After testing using my own freshly pumped, I concluded that YES, the Ceres Chill Demigoddess does in fact work and is a great option for preserving pumped milk on the go. Truly, I cannot recommend this company enough. 


Want your own Ceres Chiller? 

I mean, who can blame ya? Grab your own Chiller today and use discount code Bemybreastfriend15 for 15% off your product! 


CLICK HERE to watch a day in the life when I used the original Ceres Chill while working in the office!


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