Our First Four Months Postpartum: Feeding Progression


At this point I’m not sure if I’m a pumping mom or a nursing mom any longer! Just kidding, I’m still very much a pumping mom but this kid really loves to nurse. This said, it’s been a really new experience. As an exclusive pumping mom I’ve been in complete control and this minor detail for me is a big one. I always loved the fact that I could have control over when I would express milk, know how much I was producing and exactly how much my multiples were eating. With my next two babies, these ladies allowed me to bottle feed during the day and nurse at night, it really was the best of both worlds. I found this form of combination feeding my absolute favorite!


July 2021


While breastfeeding my first singleton I was still working in the office, for her to take a bottle was essential for both her and I while I was away. This never posed an issue because she was a fabulous eater between both the boob and the bottle. My second singleton never experienced me away at work but took kindly to the bottle during the day and nursing at night. Again, another easy peasy baby. Now enter my first singleton boy.. this little dude has shown me a whole new side to breastfeeding, one I never thought I’d experience. Velcro boob baby. Don’t get me wrong, he takes bottles without hesitation but nap time and bedtime, well he prefers to have the boob ready to rock ‘n roll. Again, don’t read this in a negative light, I just never thought I’d be one to be so attached to baby by the boob.

Thankfully his wake hours are not an issue at all, bottles are golden. But this leaves my nights a little more restless than I’d prefer. Typically I like to lay him down for the night in his bassinet, and up to 3 months old, this was the case, and head back downstairs to wrap up any loose ends I had hanging around. Now with Boob Monster, I’m not really able to do this. As I type this I’m laying in bed with one boob out, there’s just no break for me at bedtime, like I’d prefer. But it’s okay, everything has a season and I’m here for it.


So what does that mean for my pump schedule? Nothing. Since his nursing is so spotty and unreliable I do not consider it a true part of my routine. Yes, I know, removal is removal. Consider this- if you were only nursing at night and not during the day you’d have to pump too. Sometimes I get some flack for nursing at night and pumping during the day suggesting I’m causing my oversupply. First things first, this work for us so I honestly don’t care what others think- neither should you as you find your way with feeding your baby(ies). Secondly, as a night nursing baby he still needs bottles during the day- how else am I to collect this milk? It’s silly when people send nasty messages judging the way I choose to feed. I'm confident in the way I choose to feed and I'll sing it from the rooftops all day long!


Now for my milk removal sessions

My current pumping sessions look like this


Longest pump session around 30-40 minutes ideally


Average pump session, around 20-30 minutes if I can sit for that long


Average session or sometimes mobile for errands


Average session


Average session or sometimes mobile for errands


Average session


Whenever Boob Monster wakes to eat. Sometimes that’s as early as 10p or as late as 3a. How many times? All depends. But I also think he uses me as a pacifier, so it’s not always milk removed.


Now let’s chat his naps!

This was a cliff hanger at the end of the previous blog Our First Three Months: Feeding Progression. Considering we are between part time and full time co-sleeping the hot question was how do you get a co-sleeping baby to nap on their own. Obviously what might work for us may not work for all but as anything I just keep trying, even when it doesn’t seem to work.



Currently at 4 months old he wakes between 630a and 7 am, has a bottle soon after and then down for his first nap around 9/930a. I used to nap him in his bassinet in the kitchen but quickly realized the older he got the shorter the naps around all the hustle and bustle in the kitchen. I quickly moved him into my bedroom into the extra bassinet I have specifically for that room. It was working out well until just about four months, I don’t know if he had a growth spurt or because I stopped swaddling him but the bassinet was just not working any longer. The netting on the Chicco would wake him up once his hards flew up, cue the mini crib. It was during this time his naps went to hell and I knew we needed something else. Currently I am in no mood to do the bedroom shuffle, to keep the peace and my sanity I ordered a mini crib- this thing is awesome. It’s plenty big for him to wiggle about and fits in my room like a glove. This mini crib would be a perfect fit for a situation like mine or a smaller scale house that doesn’t allow for full size cribs. I’m also kind of thinking that if you’re only wanting one sleeping arrangement for baby, I’d even consider skipping the bassinet and going straight to the mini crib.



As for getting this kid to sleep, it’s kind of a Hail Mary every time, honestly. I bounce him to sleep for all naps and bedtime and quietly sneak away.  We are currently using the Baby Dee Dee sleep sac, it’s been my favorite for the last few years!


His second nap is usually around noon/1p, but this is a real short one, maybe an hour if I’m lucky. I swear this kid just juices his batteries and he’s back at it.


Finally, sometimes we get a third cat nap in around 4p, another shorty but I’ll take it.


Bedtime is always a guarantee at 730p, the length he sleeps before waking for his first feed is anyone’s guess. Sometimes it’s at 10:30p or to my liking, 4am. As I shared above, like the last week, he hasn’t allowed me to work at night, there is no break between bedtime and boob time. I am just hoping this has something to do with a 4 month sleep regression! If so, I’m totally cool with it, I just hope it doesn’t become the norm!


Let's go month #5, what are you going to throw at me this time around!

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