This comparison is going to be pretty simple, or so I think. I really feel price point is going to be the leading factor. But let’s be sure to cross the T’s and dot the I’s while we are at it.
As always allow me to start this comparison starting something that I’m ultra passionate about. The fact remains, mobile pumps such as the two we are comparing should never be considered primary pumps for exclusive pumpers. One thing I’ll add to this, because I feel if I don’t I’ll get some hate, if you find you’re responding the same to a wearable as your plug in pump used with traditional flanges, assuming that pump is primary and effectively emptying your breasts, then yes you may possibly be able to use mobiles as primary. But I’m still going to advise against it, mobiles typically do no not have the same motor life as pumps considered appropriate for primary use and if you’re not confident that you’re removing milk adequately each time you’re using mobiles, well then you may hurt your milk supply. Okay, let’s get to the comparison.
When comparing size there really isn’t much of a difference so you don’t have to worry about that swaying your choice. As for volume, again, very similar. I am willing to bet that they’re the same in volume. More recently I was in a Zoom meeting and asked if they could hear the Eufy pumping, they said no, both pumps are pretty quiet. When turning them on and going to the expression mode while seated next to each other, it was difficult to tell the difference. The suction pattern in expression mode, audibly speaking, was also the same.
Mechanically speaking they both have multiple modes to choose from. The Momcozy is straight forward, toggle the modes on the motor: stimulation, expression and mixed mode. The Eufy has four modes to choose between when activated on the app control on your phone. I do like the Max Strength mode as I express in the Eufy Review. I think with the Eufy, as far as suction ability, is a step above the Momcozy M5; but not sure that it’s a deal breaker. These pumps each use the same amount of components. Cup, flange, duckbill, backflow protector and of course the motor. These pieces are not interchangeable between pumps, they both have different designs, but at the end of the day all perform the same way. The control panel on both pumps differ, Momcozy has a visual digital screen which displays level and minutes used. The Eufy indicates mode, level and heat level by a show of dots. Considering you’re supposed to monitor and control your Eufy pump from an app on your phone, this screen-less option isn’t terrible because you have the full kit and caboodle on your phone. Neither of these pumps are going to leave you looking like Iron Man, the Momcozy screen goes blank when not in use and the Eufy indicators are super small, the lights also trigger off while not changing settings.
I’ve said this before and I mean it more than ever, these two pumps are neck ‘n neck. So what sets them apart?
Well first things first, price can be a huge variable. If you’re looking for something to have on the back burner you might not want to put as much money upfront for a part-time pump. The Eufy S1 Pro with Heat Flow and charging case is $349.99, the Eufy S1 Pro with HeatFlow, no charging case, is $239.99. The Momcozy M5 is $199.99, this pump also comes with a case but it does not charge while on-the-go. Naturally, as social media would have it, I can offer discount codes to reduce some of these costs; but that’s not the point here, we can get to that later.
I talk about whether or not the case is worth the extra $100+ in the Eufy Review, I will say it again here, if you are a traveling mom or just want to simplify your cords and charging responsibilities then yes, I think the Eufy charging case is worth it. The cool thing about both cases is that they come stocked with flange reducers, so you may not have to go searching for additional pieces to make your flanges fit.
Speaking of flange fitting, Eufy’s flanges come in two sizes with the option to size down with their flange adapters. The Eufy will come with 24mm Heat Flow flanges but if you're in need of 27mm flanges you can CLICK HERE for this option. My original comparison did not share this link, it was brought to my attention that you're able to go larger. Oddly I could not find this option anywhere within their navigation, but truth be told 27 is available! The Momcozy M5 comes with the 24mm flanges and can easily be reduced down but they also sell 27mm flanges too!
Now that we’ve touched on flanges let’s get into the biggest difference between the Eufy S1 and Momcozy M5, the flanges! The Eufy S1 flanges are pretty cool, they heat! Eufy has a patented Heat Flow design which provides seven levels of heat in the surface of the flanges! This is a technology only found in the Eufy S1 pumps, so you won’t be able to find a dupe, not now at least that can heat your boobs the way the Eufy can. Why would we want to implement heat into our pump sessions? Well, because heat has the ability to help milk flow. Have you seen heating and cooling gel packs to place over your flanges? This is the same concept but built-in, and in my opinion more effective and easier to use. But is it a must have? If I’m being honest, no, I don’t think it’s needed. Since I have been using the Eufy S1 pump during the current summer (July-August ‘24) I have actually reduced the heat to the lowest setting because I don’t want sweaty boobs and it has still been preforming just fine!
Another detail to add about the difference between these flanges is the feel or materials used. I found a new love for this silicone material used with the Eufy, but as it would turn out not everyone agrees. Here is a poll I posted to bemybreastfriend Instagram stories to dial in how I aligned with others when it came down to the S1 flange comfort. Based on the results “they’re super comfortable and they’re no different than other silicone” beat out those who find the flange material pinchy. I still think the S1 material is super comfortable and a step above the Momcozy M5 silicone flanges in comfort... but again, is it worth it? No, once again I would say it’s not a deal breaker, while the S1 are more cozy, ultimately I get the same output and stimulation from both. In all honesty, it’s nothing a little pumping lube can’t fix with the M5 flanges.
Poll from bemybreastfriend on Instagram
Last but not least, the Eufy stands upright while empty or full of milk. The Momcozy M5 does not sit upright and only lays level while milk is in the milk container side, but the milk acts as a counterweight and stops it from tilting enough to leak. The fact that the M5 doesn't stand on it's own does annoy me, I wish this wasn't the case but I'll admit it hasn't caused me too much grief, so I can't complain.
After reading all of this you might be wondering which pump I’d recommend over the other. I really mean it when I say, neither is better than the other. I’d suggest considering price and carrying case properties. Do you want a one stop shop for on-the-go? Then the Eufy S1 Pro is for you. *You won’t want to put wet pumps back into the Eufy case, it’s strictly for charging and dry storage* Or do you want an effective mobile without all the bells and whistles, while not spending your saved communion money *Catholic joke*, then I’d choose the Momcozy M5.
Size, function, efficiency are all apples to apples in my opinion, so it’s going to be the frills that will be your deciding factor.
Now for those discount codes and links
Shop the Momcozy M5 at Amazon and use SELFCAREMAMA for an additional % off the sale price, yes, it's typically on sale
Shop the Momcozy M5 direct at Momcozy.com and use SELFCAREMAMA to get the M5 for $149.99
Shop the Eufy on Amazon
Shop the Eufy direct at Eufy.com and use BMB15 for 15% off your order
On September 9, 2024 I polled the community which team they were on, Eufy or Momcozy M5! These were the results, I think it's also fair to keep in mind that the M5 has been around longer so there natually will be more users when compared to the Eufy. Regardless these are the results!
As always, I like to add that none of my reviews have ever been sponsored or paid for.