Which of these popular baby seats is better? I bought and tried both to give you the comparison you are looking for! Let’s talk about it:
The Baby Delight is significantly more affordable than the Baby Bjorn. (I’m talking over $100 less expensive.) The Baby Delight also includes the toy bar, whereas it’s an additional cost for the Baby Bjorn. If you are on a budget, the Baby Delight is the way to go.
Toy Bar
The Toy Bar on the Baby Bjorn is more engaging than the one that comes with the Baby Delight. My son LOVES the Baby Bjorn spinning toys and doesn’t do anything with the hanging toys on the Baby Delight.
The Baby Bjorn bar is also more durable. It’s nice and sturdy doesn’t pop off easily. On the flip side, the Baby Delight bar falls off easily.
Seat Construction
Truthfully, these products are very similar when it comes to overall construction. Both have three levels of incline and fold flush for easy stow-away. Overall, I think the Baby Bjorn seat is made with higher quality materials, but they are similar.
Overall, I’d be lying if I said they were equal, but I’d also be money-grabbing if I told you to buy one over the other. I definitely think one (Baby Bjorn) has more positives than the other (Baby Delight) but at the end of the day I think they’re both great options and I’d highly recommend either of them to any first time mom or seasoned mom looking for another space to place baby!