Pump & Pumping Accessory Comparisons & Reviews

Willow Go vs Willow 3.0

Willow Go vs Willow 3.0

  This should be an easy comparison, considering neither pump are very similar. Even though they’re manufactured by the same company they are very different, apples to oranges and I...

Willow Go vs Willow 3.0

  This should be an easy comparison, considering neither pump are very similar. Even though they’re manufactured by the same company they are very different, apples to oranges and I...

Medela cups vs Elvie Cup Comparison

Medela cups vs Elvie Cup Comparison

Links may generate commisson at no additional cost to you This was a request by the bemybreastfriend community and I’ll say, I’m so glad it was mentioned because these are...

Medela cups vs Elvie Cup Comparison

Links may generate commisson at no additional cost to you This was a request by the bemybreastfriend community and I’ll say, I’m so glad it was mentioned because these are...

Lansinoh Mobile Pump Review

Lansinoh Mobile Pump Review

This pump is a classic case of we need to stay competitive, let’s just get something on the market to stay relevant no matter how much it sucks, no pun...

Lansinoh Mobile Pump Review

This pump is a classic case of we need to stay competitive, let’s just get something on the market to stay relevant no matter how much it sucks, no pun...

Inexpensive Breast Pump Comparison

Inexpensive Breast Pump Comparison

  A typical breast pump can range from $180 all the way to $600 and beyond. Some of us either have a poor selection of pumps provided by our insurance carriers...

Inexpensive Breast Pump Comparison

  A typical breast pump can range from $180 all the way to $600 and beyond. Some of us either have a poor selection of pumps provided by our insurance carriers...

Momcozy M5 vs S12 Pro

Momcozy M5 vs S12 Pro

  The differences between these pumps, in my opinion, will make your choice that much easier.   Let’s start with the flanges, when I opened the M5 pumps I noticed...

Momcozy M5 vs S12 Pro

  The differences between these pumps, in my opinion, will make your choice that much easier.   Let’s start with the flanges, when I opened the M5 pumps I noticed...

Willow 3.0 Review

Willow 3.0 Review

  The beginning of this review has me singing that Seasons of Love song in Rent. It has been every bit, if not more than, five hundred twenty-five thousand, six...

Willow 3.0 Review

  The beginning of this review has me singing that Seasons of Love song in Rent. It has been every bit, if not more than, five hundred twenty-five thousand, six...