Cesarean Awareness Month: Top 7 Tips from a C-Section Mama

Cesarean Awareness Month: Top 7 Tips from a C-Section Mama


C-Section Awareness Month

Once, twice, three times a c-section mama! My first pregnancy I carried my multiples, considering I was a newbie I didn’t know what to expect. I assume I’d deliver vaginally, I mean why not? As it would turn out due to low amniotic fluid and high risk pregnancy I was brought in for a scheduled induction, the babies had other plans. Baby A was head down and ready to roll, baby B was transverse and breech. I was given the option to vaginally deliver A and potentially c-section B. I vividly remember telling the doctor, “no thank you, only one war wound please!” That was how I got my first c-section! Second c-section was intended to be a VBAC but she had already passed meconium after a vigorous day of curb stepping and I hadn’t even begun to dilate, hello second c-section. Third times a charm, I was advised it would be in my best interest to have a c-section based on my past experience, I wasn’t in the mood to argue.

I have no remorse, no regrets and wouldn’t change a thing. Healthy babies and relatively smooth recoveries was all I could ask for. Don’t discredit how your baby(ies) were delivered, c-sections are major surgeries and should be respected as such.


This June I have my fourth C-Section for baby #5 and I will be back to report on this experience! My plan is to implement all recommendations here!


⚡️Here are my top tips for recovering from your c-section⚡️

1️⃣ Request an abdominal binder. Following this major surgery the binder does a phenomenal job at keeping your guts and incision secure and provides comfort!

2️⃣ C-section babies are typically sleepy following a c-section delivery, remember it was a wild ride for them too, they were also exposed to the medications that were administered. I realize this isn’t to be celebrated but I did take advantage of this downtime and I was able to get some rest. As an exclusive pumper I remember this first 24 hours being slightly easier due to baby being as sleepy as they were, while resting I was able to get my pump sessions in more comfortably. 

3️⃣ Request GasX. Gas pains that follow a c-section are NO JOKE. I’ve never been in such pain all due to trapped gas in my belly!  Compression socks! We are pumped with fluids and have a history of bloating and swelling up!

4️⃣ Compression socks can be essential to moving edema out of your lower limbs. Nothing worse than walking on swollen hooves, not to mention this swelling is unsafe.

5️⃣ Between major surgery and excess fluids it’s not uncommon to see a delay in your milk supply. Continue to demand supply, lean into formula or donor milk if you need all while continuing to demand production.

6️⃣ Rest is so important to your recovery. Take it from me, leading up to delivery and following I didn't take any time to take care of myself. We were moving into our new home while I was 8 and 9 months pregnant, I was in every sense of the word moving our old home into our new home. After baby was delivered we drove straight to our new home full of 3 other littles who all demanded my attention. I was lifting, moving and climbing stairs; it should come as no surprise that at 10 weeks postpartum I discovered a hernia right above my c-section scar. I should have listened to all the women in my life: my mom, sister, aunt and friend Allegra from Aloha Nutrition to take it easy and care for myself too. I highly recommend checking out Allegra’s resources for nutrition and all things pregnancy and postpartum related help, I could have really benefited from her knowledge had I not tried to play Super Mom. 

7️⃣ Antenatal Colostrum collection preparation. Going into my second two c-sections I was prepared and ready to feed colostrum I had harvested while 38 weeks pregnant. Having this milk ready to feed was a huge asset to have ready if necessary. Check out this video of myself harvesting colostrum at 9 months pregnant with baby #4!

More on harvesting colostrum here!

Colostrum syringes I prefer, here!

I hope you found some of these tips helpful! I practice what I preach and all of these tips had some impact on my deliveries.

Congratulations to you🤍

xo, Kristen



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